Program to an interface not implementation
What is an Abstract Class?
Abstract classes in java are those classes which can not be instantiated. They serve as base for child classes.
Abstract Methods Abstract Methods are methods which do not have any implementation. A class containing an abstract method should be declared abstract. Methods declared abstract are compulsory to be overridden by child class. Eg:
public abstract class AbstractClass {
public abstract void abstractMethod();
public void nonAbstractMethod(){
//Do Something
An Abstract class can contain abstract as well as non abstract methods.
So what is the purpose of abstract class?
Abstract classes are used to provide abstraction.
In computer science, abstraction is the process by which data and programs are defined with a representation similar in form to its meaning (semantics), while hiding away the implementation details.
- Data abstraction
Data abstraction is the way to create complex data types and exposing only meaningful operations to interact with data type, where as hiding all the implementation details from outside works.- Control abstraction
Control abstraction is the process of identifying repetitive statements and expose them as a fucntion.
The purpose of abstract class is to function as base classes which can be extended by subclasses to create a full implementation. For Eg. We have a media player which requires 3 actions
- Start Media Player
- Play Something
- Stop Media Player
We can implement this in abstract class like
public abstract MediaPlayer {
public void process() {
public void startPlayer() {
//Generic Implemntation
//implementation directly in abstract superclass
//Child class can also override this
public abstract void play(); // implemented by subclasses
public void stopPlayer() {
//Generic Implemntation
//implementation directly in abstract superclass
//Child class can also override this
Here the Play method is abstract and will be override by child class. When the process() method of the subclass is called, the full process is executed, including the action() method of the subclass. Eg:
public AVIPlayer extends MediaPlayer {
public void play(){
System.out.println("Playing AVI Movie");
MediaPlayer aVIPlayer = new AVIPlayer();
Playing AVI Movie
What is an Interface?
Interface is a Java keyword and an object oriented term to define contract and abstraction.
- All variables declared inside interface are public final or constants.
- All methods declared inside interface are public abstract.
- In Java it is valid for an interface to extended multiple interfaces.
- Interfaces generally define capability.
interface Flyable {
void fly();
class Aeroplane implements Flyable {
public void fly(){
System.out.println("Fly High.");
A Marker Interface is an interface with no fields or methods. It is used as a marker or tag. Eg: Serializable. With the introduction of annotations they are obsolete.
When to prefer Abstract Class over Interface.
In Java you can only extend one class, but multiple interface. Interface can provide more polymorphism support than abstract class.
Interfaces are used to represent behaviour eg: Runnable, Cloneable etc., So if we want to have a CAN-DO-THIS relationship use interface, otherwise if we want IS-A relationship use Abstract class.
If we want to provide any default behaviour , use abstract class. Interface cannot contain any concrete methods.
Interfaces are best choice for Type declaration or defining contract between multiple parties.
Interface provides more decoupling than abstract classes because they don’t contain any implementation details.