Bit Hacks

Bitwise operators in Java.

&   -  bitwise and
|   -  bitwise or
^   -  bitwise xor
~   -  bitwise not
<<  -  bitwise shift left
>>  -  bitwise shift right

1. Check if number is power of 2.

public static boolean isPowerOf2(int n){
   return n != 0 && ((n & (n-1))== 0);
isPowerOf2  5  --  false
isPowerOf2  8  --  true

2. Count number of set bits.

public static int noOfSetBits(int n){
   int count = 0;
      n = n & n-1;
   return count;
noOfSetBits  5  --  2
noOfSetBits  8  --  1

3. Check if number is even or odd.

public static boolean isEven(int n){
   return (n&1) == 0;
isEven  5  --  false
isEven  8  --  true

4. Check if Kth bit is set.

public static boolean isKSet(int n, int k){
   return (n & (1 << k-1)) != 0;
isKSet  50(110010) 5  --  true
isKSet  133(10000101) 4  --  false

5. Set Kth bit

public static int setKthBit(int n, int k){
   return n | (1<<k-1);
setKthBit  50(110010) 5  --  50 (110010)
setKthBit  133(10000101) 4  --  141 (10001101)

6. Unset Kth bit

public static int unsetKthBit(int n, int k){
   return n & (n ^ (1 << k-1));
unsetKthBit  50(110010) 5  --  34 (100010)
unsetKthBit  133(10000101) 4  --  133 (10000101)
public static int unsetKthBit2(int n, int k){
   return n & ~(1<<k-1);
unsetKthBit2  50(110010) 5  --  34 (100010)
unsetKthBit2  133(10000101) 4  --  133 (10000101)

7. Toggle Kth bit

public static int toggleKthBit(int n, int k){
   return n ^ (1 << k-1);
toggleKthBit  50(110010) 5  --  34 (100010)
toggleKthBit  133(10000101) 4  --  141 (10001101)

8. Isolate rightmost set bit

public static int isolateRightMostOne(int n){
   return ~(n-1) & n;
isolateRightMostOne  50(110010)  --  2 (10)
isolateRightMostOne  133(10000101)  --  1 (1)

9. Isolate rightmost unset bit

// Eg: 10101011 --->  000000100
public static int isolateRightMostZero(int n){
   return (n+1) & ~n;
isolateRightMostZero  50(110010)  --  1 (1)
isolateRightMostZero  133(10000101)  --  2 (10)

In two's complement system , -x = ~x + 1

Further read

Java bit hacks